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The Opportunity That Knocks

Writer: Nerd Pastor NateNerd Pastor Nate

Do you remember the Honda commercials that featured Rob Paulsen as Mr. Opportunity? The real-life footage of the latest automobile would be in the background as the drawn-on cartoon Mr. Opportunity would talk to the viewer to convince them towards a new car. Then the spot would end with the cartoon man rapping on the television screen and dropping the earworm, "I'm Mr. Opportunity *ding ding*, and I'm knocking."

Sometimes I feel a bit like this when it comes to Checkpoint Church. I'm a bit like Mr. Opportunity, constantly knocking on that screen and bringing a cavalcade of new things to try. Finding the happy medium between celebrating the successes and presenting the next chance for something great is the biggest challenge of the day-to-day life of a church plant pastor.

A piece of nuance to this is that there are some opportunities that the general member doesn't get to partake in. These are opportunities set aside for our LVL2 members - ones that require more responsibility, buy-in, or investment. These aren't more or less important, but just different. In fact, we have a channel exclusively for our LVL2 members where I post opportunities regularly. If you think you'd be a perfect fit for these opportunities, you can learn more about LVL2 here.

As I've spent time reflecting on this reality, I've realized that there is another layer of nuance that I'd yet to consider fully: sometimes, Mr. Opportunity doesn't see the forest for the trees. I'm a visionary-type personality. I have ideas upon ideas. But the truth of the matter is that I'm far from infallible. There are opportunities that I don't know about because I haven't (or can't) seen them with my own two eyes. We must have voices from amongst the community that feels empowered to speak up and share their next great idea in this space. Mr. Opportunity brings up plenty of ideas, but there are more cars out there than just Hondas. The true calling of the pastor isn't simply to bring up ideas but to empower *you* to bring forward the church's mission. What can I do to empower you?


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