I'm not sure about you, but I woke up Monday and couldn't believe that it was November. This year has flashed by like a vision. This newsletter is dropping on November 3rd. If you're a numbers person, November 3rd marks 84.11% of the year passed. I'm an optimist, so I read that as more than 15% of the year remaining.
Putting things lightly, 2021 has been a huge year for Checkpoint. We've grown, changed, and evolved by leaps and bounds over the past 10 months. To be frank, it would be easy to rest into what we've done and put a nice green checkmark by the year and call it a success. While it has been a non-negotiably successful year by my standards, I refuse to believe that we are anywhere *close* to closing the curtains for the year. After all, we still have 15% of the year left to go!
Back in August, I made the bold proclamation that we will have game-changing landmarks for every step of the way until the end of the year. Here's the thing: we still have plenty of exciting things left in the year. In fact, I might even go so far as to say that one of the things that I am *most* excited for in 2021 still has yet to be revealed to your eyes and ears.
It can be tempting to let the last few months of the year dwindle by until we get the energized jumpstart to the New Year with our resolutions. However, I want to challenge the community of Checkpoint (and beyond) to ask themselves this question: what if the last 15% were the best percentage of the year? What can you do to make these last remaining days of the year even more fulfilling than what we've already experienced?
This is the journey of the nerd and the Christian. We're tempted to focus so much on starting the game or on our initial rite of Baptism that we miss the forest for the trees - we've only just begun. There's still so much goodness ahead.