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But I Can't Help

Writer's picture: Nerd Pastor NateNerd Pastor Nate

Here we are... in the home stretch for our first ever Charity Stream. In two days from this publication, Checkpoint Church will be hosting the #Checkathon Charity Stream for AbleGamers. We are so excited for an eight hour stream filled with giveaways, unboxings, and lots of gameplay. But more than anything, we're excited to be finally putting our toes in the water of giving back. Supporting a great cause like AbleGamers is exactly what we're called to do here at Checkpoint. This is how we live up to our first exciting rule: Do Good.

But I want you to know that I hear you. "Nathan, I'm not in a place I can give right now." It's important that we talk about this: giving isn't always related to money. We're called to be good stewards. Financially, sure. But also with our time. And with our resources. And with our very selves. So, if you say that you aren't able to help out by giving financially towards our goal, then that's just fine. But if you say that you can't help, then that's simply not true.

Right now - you can help us by going to this video, clicking the share button, copying that URL and pasting it to your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, etc. You could shout out the event on your TikTok. You can send it in an email to your friends from your book club.

And then, when Friday rolls around, you can show up. You can play games and laugh at my ridiculousness. Even lurking in the background would boost our numbers, so that we would be higher on the algorithm and our stream can be seen by more people, meaning more eyes to see that we are raising money for a good cause. Being a good steward means finding ways to help out the causes that you care about, not just with a wallet, but with your hands, feet, and voice. Let's give all that we can in all the ways that we can.

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